Why Talking About Our Problems Helps So much...And Where to Do It

(Spoiler alert: do it with US!)

Hello, Practice families!

We're into week four of sheltering in place in San Francisco, and everyone I know has been struggling.

If you're finding yourself having a tough time emotionally, you are not alone-- and talking about it can help.  This New York Times article offers a powerful argument in favor of talking it out at times of stress.  I'm a therapist-- and thus obviously biased in favor of talking about problems and emotions!-- but I think that there is a lot of power in sharing with others the way we are feeling and the struggles we are facing.

  • We can learn that we are not alone.

  • We can share ideas about what's working.

  • We can get help in troubleshooting what's not working.

And, did I mention, we can learn that we are not alone?!  Let me tell you:  everyone is struggling right now, no matter what they may be saying out loud or posting on social media.  We are in this together...  and we can help ourselves by coming together and talking about it.

For this reason, we have launched new livestream support groups.  I'll be running Monday nights for parents of preschool and school-aged kids-- and two other psychologists from our talented clinical team will be running at other days and times!  Here's our full schedule-- hope you'll come drop in and join us.

Live-Stream Support Group Schedule

Mondays 8-9pm*

Parents of preschool and elementary-aged kids

with Dr. Nina Kaiser

Tuesdays, 12-1pm

New mothers (infants one year or younger)

with Dr. Katie Taylor

Wednesdays 8-9pm*

Parents of elementary-aged kids

with Dr. Stephanie Rooney

Thursdays 5-6pm

Expecting mothers

with Dr. Katie Taylor

Cost is $25 per drop-in, or $90 for a pack of 5 ($18/session). 

You can also buy one enrollment AND gift a drop-in to a parent in need at time of purchase-- because we know that this crisis has had huge financial implications for a lot of families (so pssst, if you are one of those families,  email us).  So grab your device of choice and join us from your living room, in your sweatpants, with whatever chaos and mess is around you-- we're here to listen and support you.

Sign-up Here!

โ€‹Hope to see you online, this week or next!


* Please note that our Monday and Wednesday night groups are a beta program being offered this week and next; if interest is high, we will continue to run these groups on a weekly basis.

P.S.-- if the support group format isn't for you, consider connecting with one of our therapists 1-on-1 for support in working with your own emotions and/or troubleshooting what's going on with your kids!  Email us for more information.

Mindful Moment

Dr. Nina Kaiser

Nina (She/her) is a licensed psychologist (CA PSY 22555) with over 15 years of experience in working with children, teens, and parents. She specializes in evidence-based behavioral, cognitive-behavioral, and mindfulness-based strategies to help kids, teens, and parents effectively cope with stress, worry, and emotion.  After having her own children, Nina developed a particular interest in supporting parents (especially mothers!) in navigating the challenges of parenthood. Learn more


At Home with Tweens & Teens During Shelter-in-Place


What do you practice? Choosing joy over anxiety