Educational Programs
for Children
Our educational programs offer kids in grades K to 5 more opportunities to learn and practice skills around managing and coping with big emotions!
These educational programs and classes are one-time or time-limited small groups, workshops, or classes that teach or support skills around mindfulness, resilience, and/or emotion regulation.
Current educational programs for children include:
Mindful Art Circle: Making Friends with Making Mistakes
Please note that programs marked as educational are not intended to serve as clinical intervention and should not be considered a substitute for treatment; these programs are either instructional or supportive in nature and do not include individual clinical/therapeutic services or troubleshooting. Consequently, costs for educational programming are not reimbursable by health insurance or FSA/HSA.
Programs for Children + Families
Did you know?
In addition to our educational programs we have listed here, we also offer clinical groups for children.