February 2025: Reflections on recent events & the values guiding us

Hi, Practice families!πŸ‘‹

I started writing a newsletter about how to talk with kids about things we find difficult in the news– whether that’s the January fires in L.A., economic or employment uncertainty, or recent federal orders and actions related to healthcare, diversity, and identity.

But I realized that I can’t talk about how we can talk with our kids about the things in the news without actually talking more directly about these topics with all of you.

Our team proudly serves families who come from many different backgrounds and hold a wide range of beliefs– but presumably, if you are seeking care with our team or have subscribed to our newsletter, you believe in the power of evidence-based mental health care and want to support your child, your family, or yourself in living a resilient and joyful life with the support of interventions and strategies that research shows us to be most effective.

Given recent events, it feels important in this moment to ensure that all families we serve understand our team’s unwavering commitment to human rights, dignity, and inclusion– and also to affirm our team’s commitment to science-based best practices. Our core values at Practice San Francisco are centered around curiosity, compassion, presence, and doing what works, and we intend to continue to do our best to uphold and apply these values as we serve and support all clients who come to our door.

  • Curiosity. We honor all clients as experts on their own experience– which means getting curious about, understanding, and appreciating diverse perspectives and experiences, embracing clients’ chosen identities, getting collaborative with clients in identifying goals for treatment, and offering skillful, client-centered support to each and every client who comes to our door.

  • Compassion. We know that every single one of us is doing the best we can with the tools and resources we have in this moment. We appreciate the shared human experience– we are all in this together, all showing up imperfectly and growing and learning– and we honor diverse experiences and voices as a gift in improving our own understanding of the world around us and as a contribution to the richness of our human experience.

  • Presence. We use our own skills to be present in the moment and to operate out of a space of responsiveness, rather than a space of reactivity. We pay attention and listen to both explicit and implicit messages from our clients. We do our best to communicate clearly and proactively– and we give our best at every moment (whatever that best may look like in that moment!).  

  • Doing what works. We believe in science and healthcare research and we use evidence-based treatment approaches. We continually look for ways to build and strengthen our skills as providers in order to deliver the highest-quality, most impactful care.  We monitor progress and outcomes, and adjust our approach accordingly.

These foundational values will continue to shape the care and services our team delivers to all members of our community.

If talking with your kids about everything happening in the news is indeed on your mind, just a reminder that the keys to skillful conversations with kids about tough topics generally are as follows:

  1. Doing our best to stay regulated and manage our own stress in a way that allows us to send a β€œcalm pilot, everything is under control here” vibe to our kids

  2. Starting by getting curious about what our kids already know and asking questions before launching into explanations

  3. Being honest, and keeping it age-appropriate– answering questions, but not going into more detail than kids are asking for or need to know (and remembering that younger kids need or will be able to handle less detailed information than older kids)

  4. Looking for opportunities to take action that can offer a sense of agency

  5. Leaving the door open for more questions or further conversation

Thank you for being here as part of our community.  We are here to support all of you, your kids, and your families in the most impactful ways that we can– and we warmly welcome clients and families of diverse racial, ethnic, religious, and gender identities. We have joined several inclusive provider directories and are also actively working to diversify our staff as our team continues to grow– because we really do believe that diversity, inclusion, and representation make us all stronger. We remain committed to upholding our core values in the context of our mission to support all children, teens, parents, and families in living happy, connected, and fulfilling lives.


Nina Kaiser, Ph.D.

Founder, Practice San Francisco

P.S.-- While we’re looking ahead to summer, just a quick note that our Spring Mighty Minds and Social Skills (Part 2) groups are starting in April, and a few spots are still available. If the timing for Winter didn’t work out, this could be a great opportunity for your child to join.

Summer is right around the corner, and while camps, vacations, and activities fill up the calendar, it’s just as important to think about your child’s emotional and social well-being. New experiences, changing routines, and social dynamics can bring big emotions and challenges, even in the most exciting summer plans.

Whether your child is heading to camp, spending time with friends, or having unstructured summer days, these shifts can create both opportunities for growth and moments of uncertainty. Our summer groups provide a fun and supportive space to help kids, tweens, and teens build confidence, strengthen friendships, and develop skills they can carry into the next school year.

With one-week programs that meet daily during the day, our groups offer a valuable opportunity to support your child’s growth alongside their summer plans.

Explore our Summer 2025 Groups:

Mighty Minds

5-Day Clinical Group

(For rising K-5th graders)

San Francisco (SF) & Mill Valley (MV)


K-2nd Grade:

MV: Mon-Fri | June 16-20

SF: Mon-Fri | August 4-8

3th-5th Grade:

SF: Mon-Fri | June 16-20

MV: Mon-Fri | August 4-8

Mighty Minds utilizes evidence-based cognitive behavioral strategies that support kids’ ability to regulate their emotions. We teach how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are connected and practice mindfully paying attention to what is going on in their bodies and minds, noticing and labeling emotions as they occur.


5-Day Clinical Group

(formerly known Navigating Social Dynamics)

(For rising 6th-8th graders)

Mill Valley

Mon-Fri | August 11-15

1:00 - 2:30 pm

In this series, participants acquire strategies to create and uphold healthy boundaries, manage stress and anxiety while navigating social situations, maintain healthy relationships, improve well-being, build resilience, and boost self-esteem.


5-Day Clinical Group

(formerly known Navigating Social Dynamics)

(For rising 6th-8th graders)

Mill Valley

Mon-Fri | August 11-15

1:00 - 2:30 pm

In this series, participants acquire strategies to create and uphold healthy boundaries, manage stress and anxiety while navigating social situations, maintain healthy relationships, improve well-being, build resilience, and boost self-esteem.

PEER GUIDE ACADEMY - Peer Counseling Training Program*

5-Day Clinical Group

(For rising 9th-12th graders)

*Application required

San Francisco & Online


Hybrid program with in-person & remote learning

High school students will develop peer counseling, active listening, and leadership skills in this selective summer program led by a licensed psychologist. Through a mix of in-person and self-paced learning, participants will build empathy, communication, and problem-solving to support their peers. Graduates will receive a certificate of completion and may qualify for advanced peer counseling opportunities.**

**Applications close April 30, 2025. Selected participants will be notified in mid-May.

Practice San Francisco

Practice San Francisco is a family-focused mental health and wellness practice with locations in San Francisco and Mill Valley. We provide evidence-based clinical and assessment services, as well as educational programs, to support the mental health and well-being of children, teens, young adults, and parents.

Our mission is to help families navigate life’s challenges by fostering resilience through skills, strategies, and community-based support.


January 2025: Start 2025 with support tailored for your family